8 Unique Ideas To Engrave on Wedding Rings
What to engrave on wedding rings?
A wedding ring is precious and usually chosen with much thought and consideration. Couples take time to choose the ring’s metal type and the design style. Even more thought goes into what to engrave on the wedding ring as it becomes almost a part of you. Here are some engraving ideas that you can use for your significant ring.
- NAME – Your name is your first identity in this world and it defines who you are and describes you as an individual. Having your name and your significant other’s name engraved in your ring is a symbol of lasting commitment.
- INITIALS – Many of us like our first and second names but unfortunately the ring might not have all the space. You can choose to engrave your ring with both sets of your initials.
- DATE – Engraving a date on your wedding band is a great idea. It can be the date of your big day or the date when you guys met first or it can be the day when you first met or committed to each other. It will be a positive reminder of your beginning together.
- THE PLACE – We always tend to have fond memories of our favorite hangout spot where long hours were spent chatting and getting to know each other. It will be a great way to remember the place which brought you closer to each other and the memories that go with it.
- LYRICS – Lyrics of a favorite song that describe your relationship or a song that is close to your heart and keeps you in the right frame of mind can be etched on your marriage rings.
- A PROMISE – Vows are important and it is what you hold on to and live by all through your married life. An engraved promise that is made to your better half as part of your vow can be remembered forever. It will be a constant reminder of the promises made and will help you through challenging times and good times alike.